Both silica sand and gravel are carefully selected grade of hard, uniformly graded silica material. They are free from minerals which may precipitate to the systems.
Both silica sand and gravel are carefully selected grade of hard, uniformly graded silica material. They are free from minerals which may precipitate to the systems.
Silica sand is naturally rounded particles of silica or milled angularly shaped particles of silica quartz which usually found in many water filtration system.
Gravel is often being placed at the bottom most layer for backwash enhancement and also avoid damage to the underdrain system.
Both silica sand and gravel are carefully selected grade of hard, uniformly graded silica material. They are free from minerals which may precipitate to the systems.
Silica sand is naturally rounded particles of silica or milled angularly shaped particles of silica quartz which usually found in many water filtration system.
Gravel is often being placed at the bottom most layer for backwash enhancement and also avoid damage to the underdrain system.